All around Zen
Lectures by Tatsudo Nicole Baden Roshi
In this online study group, we will spend a year exploring the foundations of transformative Zen practice.
Zen is about aliveness: what aliveness is or what it could be. We step back from our identities and learn about ourselves as living, feeling beings. We bring our full attention to the processes of aliveness: breathing, standing, walking, sitting, and the details of our feelings, thoughts, and actions.
Every last Wednesday of the month, Tatsudo Nicole Baden Roshi gives a lecture on a selected topic, which we broadcast live in the Zen Lab.
Regular fee 10 €, members free :)
Last Wednesday of the month, 6:45 pm
Come along at 6pm for a period of shared meditation before the stream
With your contribution you help to maintain the Zen Lab. If the financial outlay is a hurdle for you, please talk to us!
To Tatsudo Nicole Baden Roshi
Tatsudo Nicole Baden Roshi (*1981) is the Dharma successor of Zentatsu Baker Roshi. She has been practicing with the Dharma Sangha since 2001. Until 2009 she studied psychology at the University of Oldenburg and at the same time completed training in the body therapy method Body Mind Centering©. She then lived for four years at the Crestone Mountain Zen Center in Colorado, USA and has been at the Zen Buddhist Center Black Forest since 2013.