Living Spirit
Living Body
Seminar with Tatsudo Nicole Baden Roshi

July 29 - 31, 2022
In addition to the daily meditations, we regularly have a wide variety of events ranging from KüFa (kitchen for everyone), concerts, breathwork workshops and cloth swap parties to tattoo sessions.
The intention behind it: The Zen Lab should not only be a place for meditation and stillness, but also an open place for meetups and community building in the neighborhood. People of all kinds should come together, realize their ideas and find access to themselves in the midst of the turbulent life of the Eisi.
Here you can find a little visual impression into previous events.
July 29 — public lecture
(on a donation basis)
FRI: 7.30pm - 9.15pm
garage east
Hermann-Liebmann-Strasse 65-67
30-31 July — seminar
SAT: 9 a.m. - 6 p.m
SUN: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m
blade 22
Klingenstrasse 22/2. backyard
Self-assessment price
€80 reduced
120€ regular
160€ supporters
(It should be financially possible for everyone to attend the seminar. If you can pay less, write us an informal email without giving a reason and we will find a way!)
The final registration takes place after a successful deposit of 40€ (you will receive further information by e-mail).
Limited places!
About the teachers
Zentatsu Richard Baker Roshiis a Zen teacher in the lineage of Dongshan and Shunryu Suzuki Roshi. He succeeded Suzuki Roshi in Dharma in 1971. Baker Roshi is abbot and founder of the Crestone Mountain Zen Center in Colorado/USA and the Zen Buddhist Center Black Forest (ZBZS). He lives and teaches in the United States from January to May and at the ZBZS from May to December. As of early 2019, he stopped giving formal seminars but is available for Dharma sharing as part of the Door Step Zen days.
Tatsudo Nicole Baden Roshi(*1981) is the Dharma successor of Zentatsu Baker Roshi. She has been practicing with the Dharma Sangha since 2001. Until 2009 she studied psychology at the University of Oldenburg and at the same time completed training in the body therapy method Body Mind Centering©. She then lived for four years at the Crestone Mountain Zen Center in Colorado, USA and has been at the Black Forest Zen Buddhist Center since 2013. As director, she is responsible for the organizational management of the ZBZS.